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Q: Where did Buddhism spread in Asia?
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What country spread Buddhism to southeast Asia?

It was gautam buddha who spread buddhism throughou asia not any country.and he was born in nepal.

Where did the Buddhism relidgion come from?

Buddhism stearted in India and has spread to Asia in 5000 years.

What religion was started in south Asia and quickly spread throughout the rest of Asia?


Was Buddhism originated in china?

Buddhism originated in the north of India and spread to Asia and the rest of the world.

What religion spread from India to the rest of East Asia?

Buddhism and Hinduism were introduced to South Asia by India. Buddhism has gradually declined in India, but it is still very strong in South Asia.

Where did Buddhism philosophy spread from its point of origin in India?

it spread throughout southeast and south asia

What parts of Asia were affected by the spread of Buddhism?

bla bla bla

What structures in southeast Asia bear witness to spread of Buddhism?


What two countries did Buddhism spread to?

Buddhism spread to: China Japan Korea Most of Asia. Buddhism spread to: China Japan Korea Most of Asia.

Where was the religion of Buddhism practiced?

in asia Answer: Buddhism originated in India, spread to China and other parts of Asia and to Europe and is practiced throughout the world today.

Into what lands did Buddism spread?

Buddhism first spread throughout India. Then it spread into China. As it spread into China it spread into Sri Lanka and then to Southeast Asia. From China it spread into Tibet, Korea and Japan. As of now Buddhism is practiced in all of the continents except Antarctica, (unless of course a Buddhist happens to be visiting). Buddhism is most prevalent in Asia and least prevalent in Africa. Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in Europe and North America. So Buddhists now are everywhere