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He went to the Chicago Art Musuem(it may have a different name than that), I think Camerons house(Or was it Sloane's?), He was in a parade in the street.

I think that is it.

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It was about a high school student who convinces two friends to ditch school one day, and enjoy themselves in Chicago. A very good movie.

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Q: Where did Ferris Bueller go on his day off?
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What is the last line in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

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What movie did fool if you think it's over play over the credits?

The movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. At the end of the movie he says something like, hey what are you still doing here, the movie is over, go home.

What is the last line of the movie of Ferris Bueller's day off?

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." That is the last line before the credits roll. However, after the credits and the actual last line is, "It's over. Go home. Go."

What high school did Ferris Bueller go to?

Will Ferrell went to University Highschool in Irvine,California

Where can someone watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

That is a very good question, one can go to a Red Box kiosk and rent it direct or go to other video rental shops such as Holly Wood video or Family Video. If one wishes to buy the movie, one could go through walmart or Amazon. If one wishes to stream or download the video, one could go through Netflix,Hulu, or Crackle.

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Ferris Fain went by Burrhead, and Cocky.

What high school did Lewis go to?

Ferris Highschool in Spokane

What is special about a day off school?

The thing that special about a day off is that we don't go to school we get to relax

What is a Teachers Comp day?

A compensation day: teachers get a day off or go to training and/or meetings.

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