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Q: Where did Fidel Castro go when he was exiled from Cuba?
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How many men go with Che Guevara Raul Castro and Fidel Castro to invade Cuba?

i think 32

Did Fidel Castro go to prison before becoming the leader of Cuba?

He was sentenced to 15 years but was released in 2 years.

Did Fidel Castro go to Princeton?


Did Fidel Castro visit Columbia university?

Castro did not attend Harvard. Castro did have the knowledge to go to such a university as he has a law degree from the University of Havana and practiced law prior to the Cuban Revolution. He was a respected lawyer who became disenchanted with politics in Cuba thus becoming a revolutionary. Castro was not anti-US from the start and did not join the Communist Party until 1962, three years after his taking control of Cuba.

What schools did Fidel Castro go to?

University of Havana.

Who was the president of Cuba before Fidel Castro?

Batista served two different terms as president of Cuba. First from 1940 to 1944, he was preceded by Frederico Laredo Bru. His second term was from 1952 to 1959 and he ousted Carlos Prios Socarras.

Where did Fidel Castro go to college?

Castro graduated from the University of Havana's Law School in 1950.

What was the result of the war between Cuba and America?

ok, Cubans wish they were here. food, freedom, they can choose a perfetion . i can go on and on. its not Cubans its there leader fidel Castro but now its his brother raul Castro. they don't have a war or any thing. im just tellin you what i know. a more expirienced person can correct me if i am wrong ok.

Why cant you go to Cuba?

The U.S. government limited travel to Cuba in 1960, when Fidel Castro came to power. The American government has limited sanctioned travel to journalists, academics, government officials, those with immediate family members living on the island and others licensed by the Treasury Department.

When did the bay of pigs take place?

During the Cold War, in April 1961. The CIA trained up Cuban exiles who they hoped would be able to go into Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro. The mission was a complete failure, as the exiles were caught almost instantly upon their return to the country.

What was the CIA plan for dealing with Fidel Castro?

The CIA trained and supplied a rebel group of Cuban contra-revolutionaries with armaments and a one way ticket for them to go to Cuba a retake the Island. It was a failed attempt. This event was called Bahia de cochinos coup de etat attempt.

Why were the people kicked out of Cuba by Castro during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba did not have the prisons necessary to house his unwanted people; so he let them go elsewhere.