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In the area now known as Israel/Palestine. He built a temple and palace in Jerusalem.

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Q: Where did King Solomon live when God gave him wisdom?
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Who was the wisest man to ever live?

King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live

Who is the wisest king that ever live?

King Solomon

When did King Saul King David and King Solomon live?

Kings Saul, David, and Solomon lived around 1,000 b.c. Archaeologists have found King Saul's house but are not sure where kings David and Solomon lived.

Which examples or stories about Solomon's wisdom impressed you the most?

The book of Proverbs and the book of The Song of Solomon, books that were written by Solomon there are hundreds of examples of his wisdom that have helped and comforted people for thousands of years. Secondly the statement that both women would have given up the baby rather than have it killed seems unusual because a very greedy woman was claiming a baby that was not hers. Only love superseded greed and put the baby ahead of personal needs. Only a loving mother would give up the baby to save it. Hence Solomon's wisdom remains intact.

Why was King Solomon the wisest man in the Bible?

(1 Kings 3:7-12)Solomon, as a young man, prays for wisdom to rule God's people (1 Kings 4:29-34) IN answer, "... God continued giving Sol�o�mon wisdom and understanding in very great measure and a broadness of heart, like the sand that is upon the seashore. And Sol�o�mon's wisdom was vaster than the wisdom of all the Orientals and than all the wisdom of Egypt.....he was wiser than any other man...And they kept coming from all the peoples to hear Sol�o�mon's wisdom, even from all the kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom." But it cannot be said that Solomon was the wisest man to EVER live. Jesus , as God's perfect son, was a far wiser human, and the only one called 'the wisdom of God'.......(1 Corinthians 1: 22-31). 1 Kings 10:23 and 2 Chronicles 9:22 state that King Solomon exceeded and surpassed all the KINGS of the earth in riches and wisdom. Likewise, 1 Kings 3:12 and 2 Chronicles 1:12 refers to King Solomon being granted greater wisdom than any other KING. 1 Kings 4:29-34 states King Solomon was wiser than all the people of the "east country" and in verse 31 lists wise men he exceeded in wisdom. The Bible never states that he was the wisest man to ever live in the entire world, only that he was the wisest ruler to ever live. Certainly his sins proved he was not the wisest of all. And of course, Jesus exceeds any and all.

What time period did King Solomon live in?

King Solomon lived to be 80 years old. King Solomon is most known for asking for and receiving the gift of 'wisdom' to rule God's peoples. He is also known for having hundreds of wives and concubines.

Why was God angry with Solomon?

Solomon was appointed to be King by God in a dream in which God offered to give him something to help. Solomon asked for wisdom to be a good king. God was pleased that he did not ask for anything selfish such as wealth or to live a longer life, so God blessed him with those things also.But Solomon turned away from wisdom and from God by having a lot of wives from all over the world and building altars to his wives' gods, which the first commandment I am the living God, you shall have no other gods, violated.God has not forbidden multiple wives specifically, but the situation is RARELY GOOD and USUALLY HARMFUL. (As it was not good for Solomon)

Which priest anointed Solomon?

1Ki 1:34 There let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel; and blow the horn, and say, 'Long live King Solomon!' 1Ki 1:39 Then Zadok the priest took a horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon. And they blew the horn, and all the people said, "Long live King Solomon!"

Why was Solomon a wise ruler?

Solomon is considered a wise ruler due to his legendary reputation for wisdom, demonstrated through his ability to make fair judgments and negotiate peace treaties. One of his most famous acts of wisdom was when he solved a dispute between two women claiming to be the mother of the same baby by proposing to cut the baby in half to reveal the true mother's identity.

Where did the preacher of Ecclesiastes live?

The author of Ecclesiastes is traditionally attributed to King Solomon, who lived in Jerusalem, Israel. This is based on the mention of Solomon as the author in the book itself.

Where is Rochelle Solomon?

I am Rochelle Solomon.... and live in London

How did Solomon in later years forget God?

A:It is something of an anomaly that Solomon asked God for wisdom, yet in later years forgot God. If he really had great wisdom, greater than all men who had come before and all who would live after, he surely would not have forgotten God. And if he had spoken direct to God and if God had answered him, he could not have failed to worship God for the remainder of his life. Solomon's legendary wisdom is diminished because 1 Kings also says Solomon had unwisely imposed swingeing taxes on the northern tribes, such that when Rehoboam refused to lift them and insisted on increasing the burden, the Israelites rebelled.The Bible simply says that Solomon unwisely forgot his God when he was seduced by foreign women. Scholars see the story of Solomon as almost entirely legend. There probably was a Solomon, but his story was very different to that in the Bible.