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It comes from oxides of iron (like rust basically) which have covered a lot of the surface of Mars.

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Q: Where did Mars get its reddish color?
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What color is mars is it a butter cotch color?

No, mars is not a butterscotch color mars is a reddish pinkish color.

Has rocks on its surface that have a reddish color?


Where does all the reddish color of Mars comes from all the in its soil.?

Well, the color always depends on the atmosphere. For example, Mars surface is a reddish color because, Mars has no oxegen and it is colser to the sun witch makes it red.

What element gives mars the reddish color?

The iron in the soil on Mars gives the planet its red color.

Which planet gets its reddish color from iron oxide?


What Mars is known for?

Its reddish color and that it is known as THE RED PLANET

Why did Babylonians not like Mars?

The planet Mars has a reddish color, and red is associated with blood and death.

Which element gives mars its reddish orange color?

the Element that give mars its color is titaniasflkas and wat ever els is on that planet

What are the most important features on Mars?

the iron oxide which gives it its reddish color

What element give mars it's reddish-orange color?

Carbon and iron

What is the main feature about mars?

Mars is red. It has a reddish color because it contains a lot of Iron Oxide (rust).

The reddish color of Mars comes from the what in its soil?

The element iron (Fe) in the soil which form oxides of iron (rust) which are reddish-orange colored.