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anchorage, Alaska

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Samuel F.B. Morse lived in several places including Massachusetts, South Carolina, and New York. He spent much of his time in New York City, where he worked on developing the telegraph and Morse code.

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How did Samuel Morse take to invent the telegraph?

Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and also the Morse code.

What does the FB in Samuel FB Morse stand for?

it stands for Finley Breese

Was Samuel FB Morse married?


What are all the inventions of Samuel FB Morse?

he made the morse code

What was discovered by Samuel fb Morse?

Morse did not discover anything though he did invent the Morse Code.

When did Samuel fb Morse die?

April 2, 1872

What id Samuel fb Morse invent?

Morse code. Still used today in bad communication conditions.

What was a famous quote said by Samuel FB Morse?

A patient waiter is no loser

How long did Samuel FB Morse live in Anchorage Alaska?

Samuel F.B. Morse did not live in Anchorage, Alaska. He was an American inventor and painter known for inventing the telegraph and Morse code, but he did not have any known connection to Anchorage.

Was Samuel fb Morse a christian?

Yes, Samuel F.B. Morse, known for inventing the Morse code, was a Christian. He was raised in a Calvinist family and became a devout believer, often referring to his faith in his writings and speeches.

Is the inventor of the telegraph Samuel FB Morse?

Yes, it was not Thomas Edison he invented the light bulb and not the telegraph.

Why was Samuel fb Morse important in the industrial revolution?

Samuel Morse had made a faster and efficient way to communicate to one another. The Morse code was used by the single-wire telegraph (which Samuel Morse had made, developed from the classical telegraph).The Morse code was helpful during the Civil War. That was the time in which the Morse code had become the most famous.-HD