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At several points in the Revolution, it seemed likely that the American patriots would lose the war. In the fall and winter of 1776, Washington's army nearly collapsed. Soldiers' terms of enlistment were set to expire at the end of the year. But on Christmas Eve, Washington's troops crossed the Delaware River from Pennsylvania into New Jersey, and defeated the British forces at Trenton and Princeton, and restored a sense of optimism.

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Q: Where did Washington troops go after being defeated?
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Why did Robert E. Lee want his troops to lose gracefully?

When the Civil War was lost, Robert E. Lee wanted his troops to go home and live in peace. The United States is far better off where Lee's army lost gracefully and the defeated troops went home to work, than is a nation like Iraq where the defeated troops went home to fight a protracted civil war. Defeated Confederate solders did not turn themselves into guerrilla warriors or suicide bombers.

What did Charles Cornwallaise do to lose the American Revolution?

Cornwallis ending up losing victory towards Washington's, Lafayett's, and Rochambeau's troops. How he lost: 1) Lafayetts kept Cornwallis troops on the Yorktown peninsula 2) Washington and Rochambeau marched their trips south in secrecy 3) Ships were blocking Jesse Peak Bay making no escape by sea THERE YOU GO! :))))

What was the battle at Yorktown about?

The Battle of Yorktown (1781) was the last major battle in the American Revolution. British general Cornwallis was against French general Marquis de Lafayette and General George Washington. French admiral DeGrasse was commander of the French naval fleet and defeated the British What's_a_brief_summary_on_the_Battle_at_Yorktown, thus prohibiting them from entering Chesapeake Bay and giving aid and resources to Cornwallis. Cornwallis was surrendered--Washington's troops came from the North and Lafayette's from the South. This was called the 'pincer' strategy. Cornwallis couldn't go anywhere--by land (blockage by Washington and Lafayette) or by sea (blockage by DeGrasse). Cornwallis surrendered on October 17, his troops vastly outnumbered. By winning this battle, America won the war.Read more: What's_a_brief_summary_on_the_Battle_at_Yorktown

Why was the federal government determined to crush the whiskey rebellion?

The reason for this is that is that the government was trying to send a message. they were trying to say (and Washington may or may not have actually said this) that just because there was a law that you don't like, you can't rebel, and this was especially important because it was soon after the Revolutionary War, and we just defeated England, and though morales were high, the army/navy were very weak. Washington personally led the 2,000 some troops to dissuade the rebels from the notion of, well, rebelling.

How did New Jersey contribute to the founding of the US?

New Jersey contributed significantly to the founding of the United States. Many of the battles were fought across the state as Washington retreated from New York City. Most consider one of the turning points of the war to be the Battle of Trenton, where Washington surprised Hessian troops and won a sound victory that inspired the troops to go on through some of the worst parts of the war.

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I believe in 1767

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George Washington took command of troops during the Revolutionary War on July 3.

Why did Robert E. Lee want his troops to lose gracefully?

When the Civil War was lost, Robert E. Lee wanted his troops to go home and live in peace. The United States is far better off where Lee's army lost gracefully and the defeated troops went home to work, than is a nation like Iraq where the defeated troops went home to fight a protracted civil war. Defeated Confederate solders did not turn themselves into guerrilla warriors or suicide bombers.

Where did George Washington's troops go after Valley Forge?

After, they marched on to Psyque, PA. (look up psyque, very interesting.)

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Yes go to the, and it should have a contact number for someone who can help

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What did Charles Cornwallaise do to lose the American Revolution?

Cornwallis ending up losing victory towards Washington's, Lafayett's, and Rochambeau's troops. How he lost: 1) Lafayetts kept Cornwallis troops on the Yorktown peninsula 2) Washington and Rochambeau marched their trips south in secrecy 3) Ships were blocking Jesse Peak Bay making no escape by sea THERE YOU GO! :))))