

Where did convicts on the first fleet sleep?

Updated: 10/21/2021
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7y ago

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The convicts of the First Fleet slept below decks, in the bottom part of the ship, on wooden bunks.

Down each side of the convict ships were 2 tiers of wood bunks which were 1.8

meters square -the size of 2 single beds pushed together. 4 convicts would all have to share a bunk.

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Forrest Brakus

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Did the convicts on the First Fleet sleep?

they didnt sleep on anything they were put to work and wee kept below deck they probably slept on nothing..

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There were beds for anyone so people slept where there was space. Slaves and convicts were put in the hold, chained together, and left there.

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The convicts on the First Fleet were only given water to drink.

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The prisoners on the First Fleet were known as convicts.

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The First Fleet carried the first group of convicts to Australia. It was followed later by the Second and Third fleets, but after that, shiploads of convicts sailed independently or in pairs.

What did the First Fleet convicts sleep on?

they didnt sleep on anything they were put to work and wee kept below deck they probably slept on nothing..

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The Fishburn was a storeship. It carried no convicts.