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The first civilization in Australia is believed to have started around 65,000 years ago by Indigenous Australians in various parts of the continent. The Aboriginal people are considered the world's oldest living culture, with a rich history of art, spiritual beliefs, and sustainable land management practices.

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What country did dirk hartog explored first?

Dirk Hartog was a Dutch explorer who first explored and landed on the western coast of Australia in 1616. He is known for being the first European to set foot on this part of Australia.

Where did Edward John Eyre start exploring?

Edward John Eyre started exploring in Australia. He is known for his expeditions across the southern parts of the continent, including journeys through regions like South Australia and Western Australia.

What year did Europeans arrived in Australia?

Europeans first arrived in Australia in 1770, when Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain. However, permanent European settlement began in 1788 with the arrival of the First Fleet led by Captain Arthur Phillip.

What is a primary and secondary civilization?

A primary civilization refers to the first advanced societies that emerged in human history, such as Mesopotamia or Ancient Egypt. A secondary civilization refers to later societies that built upon the knowledge and advancements of primary civilizations while creating their own unique cultures and developments.

What year do most archaeologists and ancient history historians designate as the beginnings of the first true civilization in Sumer?

Most scholars designate around 3500-3100 BCE as the beginning of the first true civilization in Sumer. This period marks the emergence of city-states, writing systems (such as cuneiform), advanced architectural developments like ziggurats, and complex societal structures in the region.