

Where did hurricane Andrew dissipate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Andrew dissipated near the border of Tennessee and North Carolina on August 28, 1992

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Q: Where did hurricane Andrew dissipate?
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What year was hurricane Andrew in the Atlantic basin?

Hurricane Andrew was part of the 1992 Atlantic hurricane season.

What year did both Hurricane Andrew and hurricane Katrina come to the United States?

Hurricane Andrew was in 1992. Hurricane Katrina was in 2005.

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Hurricane Andrew started in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Yes. Hurricane Andrew was Tropical Depression Three for about a day before becoming Tropical Storm Andrew and then Hurricane Andrew 5 days later.

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Is hurricane Andrew the weakest hurricane?

Not at all. Hurricane Andrew was a category 5 hurricane, making it one of the strongest hurricanes of the past 20 years.

Is hurricane Andrew better than hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Andrew wasn't as bad or as strong as Katrina, if that's what you mean.

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Nobody did. Hurricane Andrew formed and dissipated by natural forces. Nobody can stop a hurricane.

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Hurricane Katrina stopped because when she reached the land she didn't have any water or power source!

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It didn't. Hurricane Andrew was the most damaging hurricane on record until Hurricane Katrina in 2005.