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Q: Where did medieval pastry makers live?
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medieval artisans are makers of fine crafts, such as a blacksmith or a carpenter.

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The medieval cart and wheel makers were not considered rich or poor. They were somewhere in between the two classes of wealth and mostly represented the middle class.

What did Medieval pastry makers bake?

What a baker did in medieval times was bake food and make bread to sell. They baked whole wheat, brown bread for the poorer people and wastel which was the finest bread that was sifted 2-3 times through a fine cloth. Only rich people could afford this bread.

Who are the makers of swords and sandals?

Three medieval knights and a Hawaiian dude

What was a hosier in medieval times?

There were no hosiers in the medieval period, since the word did not exist before the late 18th century, to refer to stocking-makers.

What would a king eat for breakfast in the medieval times?

fish and strawberries mixed together

What country does custard origanally come from?

The French probably use custard more than any other pastry makers. But it might go further back to roman times. Generally the custard we use today may have had it's roots in the medieval era, throughout Europe, including Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

When is sims 3 medieval coming out?

*medieval and it depends where you live.

What did trencher makers do?

Trencher makers were craftsmen who made wooden platters called trenchers. These trenchers were used as plates in medieval times to hold and serve food. Trencher makers would carve and shape the wooden platters for households and banquets.

Where did Jesters live in Medieval times?

Medieval Jesters traveled from castle to castle, in the Medieval town.

Are medieval candle makers rich or poor?

Well it depends! Wax candle makers were rich because beeswax candles were of high demand and toll... something [ :-) ] candle makers were poor. THEY WERE POOR/RECIEVED A MODEST INCOME AS IT WAS AN EASY CRAFT TO LEARN

What were brick makers paid in?

depends where they live