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In the southeast parts of Asia with Australia

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Q: Where did nz troops fight in World War 2 and what were the conditions like?
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What were conditions like in military camps?

Young, fresh recruits in both armies were generally eager to fight. Experienced troops, however, knew better. C:

Why did European colonies fight during ww1?

To provide vital supplies, like food, clothing, weapons, and troops.

What were conditions like for Americans troops the winter before Trenton and Princeton?

Harsh, not much clothing, no shoes, low food and supplies.

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Because many people would rather fight than live under conditions they do not like.

Why were American troops critical of their South Vietnamese allies?

because they felt like it. or They did not seem to fight as hard as their North Vietnamese and NLF counterparts.

What was conditions like for German army in World War 2?

The Conditions faced by German military personnel during WWII varied bay where they were. Those on Western Europe (France, Italy, Poland, Norway) were very good up till; the end However those troops fighting in Eastern Europe /Western Asia (Russia) were terrible, limited good food. Equipment maintenance and supply were limited. The German Army overextended itself too far into Russia. The Troops in Africa were faced with deteriorating conditions through the war.

How did horses get over to world war 1?

Like many of the troops, the horses went by ship.

How is it like to be governor?

you get to fight in wars and travel all over the world

What were military camps condition like?

Young, fresh recruits in both armies were generally eager to fight. Experienced troops, however, knew better. C:

What were conditions like at the front ....World War 1?

Like being in hell. There are NO good conditions in a war, it's all bad, all stupid and vulgar

What does the world fight for?

human rights like being free, the environment and global warming, and world peace.

What were the living conditions like for NZ in world war 2?

mewan opi