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It was officially became chicken in 1274.

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Q: Where did peanuts and maize become important crops?
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What were the most important crops and products of the Inca?

The most important crops cultivated by the Inca were maize, potatoes, and quinoa. They also produced textiles made from alpaca and llama wool, as well as intricate pottery and metalwork. Additionally, the Inca were skilled in agriculture and developed advanced techniques such as terrace farming to support their empire.

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What were the major cash crops of the 1700's?

One of the major cash crops in the 1700's was tobacco. Other cash crops included cotton, maple sugar, maize, and peanuts.

Did Inca grow crops?

Yes, the Inca people were skilled agriculturalists who grew a variety of crops, including maize, potatoes, quinoa, and beans. They developed sophisticated farming techniques such as terracing and irrigation to cultivate crops in the Andean mountains. Agriculture was a central part of the Inca economy and society.

Why is agriculture important in Zimbabwe?

Maize, wheat, potatoes, sugar cane, tomatoes, onions, oranges, etc

What is Indiana's crops?

the maize

What crops did the Inca grow?

squash, sweet potatoes, .sweet potatoes, maize, manioc, squash, beans, chili peppers, peanuts, and cotton.incas planted tomatoes,potatoes,and pinapples

What crops did the Spanish export from the West Indies?

The Spaniards found: maize (corn), potato, sweet potato, beans, squash, pumpkin, pineapple, tomato, cocoa, peppers, peanuts ,and avocado.

What crops the Amerindian did use?

The Amerindians used various crops, including maize (corn), beans, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, and quinoa. These crops were cultivated for food and were important staples in their diet. Some groups also grew tobacco and cotton for non-food purposes.

What crops did the Incas use?


What are Nicaragua's main crops?

Their main crops are sugar cane, maize and rice.

What are the 20 examples of cash crops in Nigeria?

cocoa, corn, cassava, palm oil, millet, beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes rice rubber