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They orientated from Gothic Architecture and Design.

Pointed arches were used in Gothic architecture to help support the weight of vaulted ceilings. Rounded arches previously used could not support the increased height, width and weight of new building designs. The concept of the pointed arch operates in a similar manner as two leaning objects. Two sides of a pointed arch lean against each other for support and the increased force and loads placed on the arches from the ceiling is displaced onto the flying buttresses, which are supported by the ground. The increased roof support provided by the pointed arches allowed building walls to be thinner. Decorative details seen on arches were a natural consequence of Gothic design.

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Q: Where did pointed arches in architecture originate?
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Where did arches originate?

arches originated in rome

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Tall, narrow cathedrals featuring pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, such as Notre Dame de Paris, are examples of Gothic architecture.

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Where do arches originate from?

Ancient rome

Church architecture which had round arches and thick walls and pillars?

Romanesque Architecture

What was Roman architecture like?

Roman Architecture is responsible for the use and development of arches. However, we now know that arches were in use in Africa and Egypt prior to roman empire

How has the arch change over time?

The design of arches has evolved over time from simple semicircular or pointed arches in ancient architecture to more elaborate and decorative designs like horseshoe, ogee, or Moorish arches in later periods. Advancements in engineering and construction techniques have also allowed for the creation of larger and more complex arches, such as those seen in modern architectural wonders like bridges and skyscrapers.

Gothic architecture may be traced back to?

Inspired by the late Romanesque architecture of Normandy (Caen) the Gothic architects started to apply ribbed vaulting and pointed arches purposefully to emphasize light (Suger's divine light) and soaring spaces.

Where did architecture originate?

Architecture originated in Rome