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Q: Where did political philosophies of the enlightenment fueled revolution?
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What thinkers inspired the third estate to revolt?

The third estate was inspired by Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Montesquieu, who promoted ideas of individual rights, equality, and liberty. These philosophies influenced the French Revolution and the third estate's desire for political and social change. Additionally, the financial crisis and oppressive policies of the French monarchy fueled their discontent.

How did Age of Enlightenment affect the Latin American independence?

The Age of Enlightenment influenced Latin American independence movements by promoting ideas of liberty, equality, and individual rights. Intellectuals and leaders in Latin America were inspired by Enlightenment philosophies to challenge colonial rule and seek independence from European powers. The Enlightenment also fueled movements for political and social reform in Latin America, leading to increased calls for independence and the eventual overthrow of colonial governments.

How did enlightenment ideas contributed on the revolutionary mood in France?

Enlightenment ideas emphasized principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity, which influenced the French population to question the authority of the monarchy and aristocracy. Enlightenment philosophers criticized the existing power structures and fueled a desire for political and social change, ultimately contributing to the revolutionary mood in France that led to the French Revolution in 1789.

Did the enlightenment help the scientific revolution to continued?

Yes, the Enlightenment helped to continue the Scientific Revolution by promoting reason, empirical evidence, and the questioning of traditional authority. Enlightenment ideas emphasized the importance of scientific inquiry, leading to further advancements in various fields of study. The emphasis on rational thinking and experimentation further fueled the progress of science during this period.

Why did the enlightenment occur?

The Enlightenment occurred as a response to the rigid social and political structures of the time, seeking to promote reason, individualism, and progress through education and the spread of knowledge. It was fueled by advancements in science, philosophy, and political thought that challenged traditional authority and promoted ideas of liberty, equality, and human rights.

How did enlightenment ideas contribute to European revolutions?

Enlightenment ideas emphasized individual rights, equality, and the role of the people in government, which inspired people to challenge traditional authorities. These ideas fueled demands for constitutional reforms, democratic institutions, and political representation, leading to revolutions in Europe seeking to overthrow monarchies and establish more inclusive and democratic systems of government. The French Revolution in particular was influenced by Enlightenment principles and ideals, leading to the spread of revolutionary fervor across the continent.

What provided inspiration for both the leaders of the French Revolution and the American Revolution?

The reasons the french revolution started were 1. Social and Political Inequalities 2. Economic debt of the government 3. Influence from the enlightenment and American revolution 4. Outbreak of revolution in 1789 The reasons the American revolution started 1. King George III of Britain was a tyrant by the standards of James Otis and other colonial rebels. 2. Colonists in America wanted to break free of Britain to gain there own independence. 3. The kings neglect of the colonies. 4. Colonists being taxed without being represented "Taxation without Representation."

What was good and bad about the enlightenment?

Good: The Enlightenment emphasized reason, science, and individual rights, leading to advancements in knowledge, technology, and political thought. Bad: It also fueled imperialism, racial hierarchies, and social inequalities, as well as the exclusion of women and marginalized groups from its benefits.

What is the following event was a consequence of the enlightenment?

Which of the following events was a consequence of the Enlightenment? this is the answer = French citizens rebelled against the French monarchy and established a representative form of government.

What Belief in the ideas of the enlightenment and discontent within the Third Estate were causes of the?

The belief in Enlightenment ideas such as equality, individual rights, and liberty, coupled with dissatisfaction among the Third Estate due to social and economic injustices, were major causes of the French Revolution. The inequalities within the French society, such as the heavy tax burden on the Third Estate and the lack of political representation for the common people, fueled the revolutionary fervor that eventually led to the overthrow of the French monarchy.

Why did Latin American nations seek independence?

Latin American nations sought independence from European colonial powers due to a desire for self-governance, cultural identity, and economic independence. They were inspired by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers and the success of other independence movements, such as the American Revolution. Economic exploitation, social inequality, and political oppression also fueled the drive for independence in Latin America.

How did the ideas of the Enlightenment inspire independence movements around the globe?

The Enlightenment emphasized ideas such as liberty, equality, and natural rights which inspired people to seek independence from colonial rule. The belief in self-governance and the rejection of absolute monarchy fueled independence movements in various regions, such as the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions. These movements were driven by a desire for political and social change based on Enlightenment principles.