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The Aztecs flourished in a well known area in Mesoamerica

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Q: Where did the Aztecs flourished?
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When do the Aztec live?

Aztecs flourished from 1428 to 1519, when they were eliminated by Spanish invaders

How old were Aztec peasants?

Aztec civilization flourished in Central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th Centuries. The average life expectancy for the Aztecs was around 37 years.

Who were the highly developed civilizations in Latin America?

The three major civilizations of Mesoamerica were the Olmec, Aztec, and Maya. These civilizations developed in the regions what are present day Mexico and Central America. The Olmec are the oldest civilization of these three.

When was Teotihuacan a flourishing Mexican city?

It is estimated Teotihuacan flourished around 300 BC. It declined around 450 AD, and by the time it was discovered and named by the Aztecs in the 14th century, it was already abandoned.

Who inhabited the Aztec capital?

The Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, was inhabited by the Nahua people who were part of the Aztec civilization. The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that flourished in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries.

When did the Olmec flourished?

the olmec flourished in 2500 bec

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When did Incans flourished later they was conquered by.?

They flourished around 1200 and Spanish conquered.

What did the Aztecs do all day?

Aztecs did what Aztecs did best

What did the Aztecs do in their lives?


What civilization built the city of Teotihuacan?

It was a city built by the Teotihuacan people on 100 BC. It is usually mistaken to be of Aztec origin, but it is not the case: the Aztecs flourished as an independent civilization in 1325 AD, almost 1400 years after Teotihuacan was built. In fact, nobody knows for sure what is the actual name of the city; when the Aztecs discovered it, they called it as Teotihuacan (City of the gods) due to the gargantuan architecture of the place. It however, had been abandoned for centuries.

When was the Aztec civilization flourished?

The Aztec civilization lasted around 900 years before it was flourished/defeted.