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Q: Where did the Phoenicians create the alphabet?
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What was the contribution of Phoenician alphabet to Hebrew?

The Hebrew alphabet was borrowed from the Phoenicians.

What culture developed the alphabet?

It depends on how you define "alphabet"The Egyptians were the first to create any form of phonetic symbol. They had an alphabet with 24 consonants that they mixed in with logo-grams (symbols representing whole words).The Phoenicians were the first to have an entirely phonetic-based writing system (an alphabet of 22 consonants).The Greeks were the first to have a full alphabet of both consonants and vowels.

From what alphabet did the Greeks create their alphabet?

The Greeks did not invent the alphabet. The alphabet was invented by the Phoenicians; the Greeks merely adapted the Phoenician alphabet to their own language.The Phoenician alphabet was originally a syllabary, but because of sound changes in the language it evolved into an alphabet.

What does the Phoenicians have to do in the Alphabet?

We are often told that the Phoenicians invented the alphabet. Regardless of who put pen to papyrus to create it, the Phoenician contribution was none-the-less major and critical. They were the major sea-traders of the Mediterranean, and they went everywhere. When the Phoenicians began using the alphabet as a simple and easy way to keep track of their trades, it was exposed to everyone.

What did the Phoenicians do?

They did a lot! One invention is the alphabet. Many people think that the Greeks did that, but really the Phoenicians did, and later, the Greeks adopted the Phoenicians alphabet and changed it. That's the alphabet we use today!

Did the Phoenicians developed the first alphabet?

We are often told that the Phoenicians invented the alphabet. Regardless of who put pen to papyrus to create it, the Phoenician contribution was none-the-less major and critical. They were the major sea-traders of the Mediterranean, and they went everywhere. When the Phoenicians began using the alphabet as a simple and easy way to keep track of their trades, it was exposed to everyone.

What Phoenician inventions did the Greeks improve?

the alphabet

What were the Phoenicians known?

their alphabet

Where is the alphabet from?

The Phoenicians invented the alphabet in the 1900's B.C.E.

What are some lasting achievements of the Phoenicians?

1: The Phoenicians created the Phonetic alphabet which was later adopted by the Greeks and developed into our modern alphabet. 2:The Phoenicians founded and navigated with the North Star. 3: The Phoenicians were the first to create see through glass.

What did the cretans learn from Phoenicians?


Who impacted the Greeks alphabet?

The Phoenicians