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Q: Where did the computer originate and what advancements have been made in the improvement of the computer functions?
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The demands in space travel (apex)

What is the main functions of a computer?

Its Central Processing System (CPU)

Which decade did the most technological advancements in the computer industry occur?

Whatever the current decade is.

What were the most important electrical technology advancements of the 20th century?

It has been theorized that a Civilizations advancement is dependent on the improvement of all its aspects religion, sciences, politics etc. The advancement of one of these aspects is directly dependent on the others, determining the most important advancement eventually becomes a matter of opinion when the assumption that they are dependent is introduced. That being said the most significant advancements in "electrical" technology would most likely be, The transistor and the nanochip, the advancements made in the realm of computer technology have pushed humanity forward fairly quickly.

How many different functions does a computer perform?

with the technology we have now a days, the computer can perform trillions of different functions.

What are the basic functions of a computer?

One of the basic functions of a computer are to input data and then process it. A computer also outputs data and stores data.

Why is it computer called computer not calculator?

It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.