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good question I guess they weren't real

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Q: Where did the four blood types come from if all humans came from Adam and Eve?
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The bible says Adam had other sons and daughters, so they came from there.

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They came to be from Adam and Eve

Where did came from Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

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Who lived on the earth first?

It has to do with science and religious beliefs.Science: People think that fish came out of the water and turned to humans, or apes some how turned to humans too.Religious beliefs: Adam and Eve were the first to live on earth then they had Kain and Able and so on.

Why and how did humans come to be?

firstly, human came to earth to mutiply becuase that was or is what God sent us to do on earth. And secondly, sentificts says that humans come from the from of cave man but in a religion way they said that humans came the generation of our friends parents(Adam and Eve) ansd then from there we started multiplying from the generation of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and so many more. But personnaly i think that human came out from the generation of our old anesctors in the bible and we came on earth to multiply in a way that God wants us to .

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Adam Sandler is Jared Sandler's uncle; Jared is Adam's nephew. Adam Sandler came to speak at his nephew's high school graduation at Central in 2012.

If Adam came firstwho made him?

If you believe that Adam came first then obviously God made him!! according to science micro organisms came first. - Alpha ---------------------------------------------------------Recommend me if u like this.....

Did God still love and support Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit or did he kick them out of his life?

God still loved them. God kicked them out of the "garden" not His life. Adam and Eve's disobedience came as no surprise to God. God instructed Adam and Eve how they could maintain their relationship with Him - through a blood sacrifice.

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No one is given credit for coming up with the first hair style. Adam and Eve are the believed to be the first humans on Earth, so technically they would be the ones that came up with the first hair style.

What was the first thing that came on the world?

Adam and Eve