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Though astronomical observations and theories have been around for thousands of years, the coming together of knowledge that tied down the effects of gravity, is attributed to mainly newton and einstien, though a true explanation of gravity is still elusive.

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Q: Where did the theory of gravity come from?
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Related questions

Did Einstein ever have a theory of gravity?

Yes, Einstein did produce a theory of gravity, and it is more accurate than Newton's theory of gravity.

What is a common model for Einstein's theory of gravity?

Whatever goes up and remains within the influence of earths gravity must come down, or circle the earth as a satellite.

What is Einstein's theory of gravity called?

The theory that Einstein developed which pertains to gravity is called general relativity.

What is the gravitational instability theory?

The theory that gravity is instable

What is theory behind gravity?

Gravity is not well understood. It is a property of matter.

Why is the theory of gravity so important?

The theory of gravity is important because humans need explanations to things they do not understand. The theory breaks a possibilty down to where it becomes understandable.

What is the relation between Relativity Gravity and the Planets?

Relativity is a theory of gravity, and gravity governs the motion of planets. This is your answer in a nutshell. If you want a detailed answer, then I suggest you start studying general theory.

Where did gravity come from. What did Gravity come from. and When did Gravity come into being?

Of those three questions, the only one that makes any sense is the last one. Gravity doesn't come from a place (the "Where" part) or a thing (the "What" part). Gravity is strongly suspected to have come into existence at the time of the Big Bang, along with the other three fundamental forces. If the Theory of Everything people are right, at extremely high energies the forces combine; gravity would probably have been the first to separate out, at about one Planck time after the Big Bang (a "Planck time" is about 5 x 10-44 seconds).

Did the Catholic Church find the theory of gravity heresy?

The Church has always promoted science, I can find no evidence that they ever had a problem with the theory of gravity.

What was newtons most famous theory?

Gravity was Newton's most famous theory.

How newton discovard the theory of gravity?


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