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Whatever goes up and remains within the influence of earths gravity must come down, or circle the earth as a satellite.

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Q: What is a common model for Einstein's theory of gravity?
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It doesn't mean much. The Higgs Boson is only necessary for the Standard Model to be correct; the Standard Model excludes gravity, and String Theory is a theory of quantum gravity. The two are separate from one another.

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a new model of the atom that describe electrons as being in a cloud

What question did the string theory answer?

String theory answered the question of a T.O.E - Theory of Everything. It explained many unresolved problems like the opposition of Quantum Mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity. It also includes gravity in the Standard Model and unifies the 4 fundamental forces- gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear

Who is the founder of the law of gravity?

The current theory of gravity, General Relativity, was developed by Albert Einstein between 1905 and 1915. Before that the most advanced model was Newtonian gravity, developed by Isaac Newton. Of course Einstein's model is identical to Newton's in the low mass limit.

What are the common aspects of all scientific methodologies?

data, hypothesis, model, bias, theory, and law.

How does Einstein's theory of relativity help support the big bang theory?

Einstein proposed his theory as a new theory of gravity. his theory generalizes Isaac newton's original theory of gravity in that it is supposed to be valid for bodies in motion as well as the bodies at rest . Newton's gravity is only valid for bodies at rest or moving very slowly compared to the speed of light ( usually not too restrictive assumption ). a key concept of general relativity is that gravity is no longer described by a gravitational field but rather it is supposed to be a distortion of space and time itself. one great physicist said "matter tells space how to curve , and space tells matter how to move" originally the theory was able to account for peculiarities in the orbit of mercury and the bending of the light of the sun which are a basic concepts in the big bang model, both were unexplained in Isaac Newton's theory of gravity. peace

What are the three theories of evolution?

The three main theories of evolution are Lamarckism, Darwinism, and punctuated equilibrium. Lamarckism suggests that organisms can pass on acquired traits to their offspring, while Darwinism proposes natural selection as the main mechanism of evolution. Punctuated equilibrium suggests that evolution occurs in rapid bursts separated by long periods of stability.

What is the difference between a model and a theory?

a model is different than a theory a model is an actually picture or structure of something a theory is what people might think about something

What is the gravity model in geography?

The geographical gravity model predicts bilelateral trade flows based on economic sizes.

How does model differ from a theory?

It means that the theory could be right and the model shows you dimenstionaly.

What are 3 examples of an idea model?

well theres Einsteins E=MC2 but thats all i know