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There are a number of theories . One had it was some ancient word meaning pure, the original language having been forgotten. more likely is a shortened form of The word Renunciant, as they have renounced worldly existence. Over the course of time, Ratehr like Traction engine being condensed to Tractor, Renunciant was clipped to Nun. Also possibyto avoid confusion with nuncios, who are in effect Vatican ambassadors and usually middle-ranking(Bishop and above) clergy./ Religous or Female religious is a catch-all term for usually uniformed (Habited) women in the religious life, there are also in-house rnaks usch as postulant, professed and for the higher-ups mother superior, abbess, etc. spme of the German speaking countries had actual members of the nobility who wee in effect Princess-Abbesses, such as Austria Th is is one beiieves obsolete but held on in Austria well into the past century. of course some society Dames could conceivabley take the veil as a possible tax Dodge, but that is another matter. By the way the infamous Mayerling lodge ( hunting lodge ofThe Austrian monarchy) ws converted to an augustinian convent and still is a Religous house of sorts! froma crime scene to a convent. odd (REHAB).

Another answer:The word "nun" comes from the Latin nonna - a term of endearment for a grandmother. It is directly related to the English Nana.
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15y ago

Originally from the Old English nunne, from Late Latin nonna "nun, tutor," originally (along with masculine nonnus) a term of address to elderly persons, perhaps from children's speech, reminiscent of nana(?). See the similarly structured Sanskrit nona, Persian nana "mother," Greek nanna "aunt," Serbo-Croat nena "mother," Italian nonna, Welsh nain "grandmother;"

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