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Florida does not have possums; it only has Virginia Opossums. They are quite different, unrelated creatures, with the opossum's name being frequently shortened to "possum", giving the erroneous impression that possums and opossums are the same. Possums are found in Australia and on the islands of neighbouring countries.

To answer the question: opossums shelter wherever they can, whether it be a tree hollow; within some underbrush; in a crevice in rock or even a building - essentially, wherever there is a large enough space for them. They do not dig burrows, as their paws are too soft.

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10y ago

North America does not have possums; it has opossums. They are quite different, unrelated creatures, with the opossum's name being frequently shortened to "possum", giving the erroneous impression that possums and opossums are the same. Possums are found in Australia and on the islands of neighbouring countries.

To answer the question: opossums shelter wherever they can, whether it be a tree hollow; within some underbrush; in a crevice in rock or even a building - essentially, wherever there is a large enough space for them. They do not dig burrows, as their paws are too soft.

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Do possums sleep with their eyes open?

Possums usually sleep with their eyes closed, but you may see the occasional possum asleep during the daytime, with its eyes open.

Are possums loud?

Depends on the weather! If its wet, possums tend to stay in-door, if its dry, you wont sleep for ages with those guys scurrying about on your roof and screeching.

Do possums hang by there tails?

No. This is a myth. True possums, which are marsupials of Australia and surrounding islands, do not sleep hanging from a tree. Nor do opossums, an entirely different creature whose name is often shortened to 'possum'.

Does an Florida Everglades gator ever sleep?

yes they do sleep !! not as often as others but they do sleep

What do possums do at night time?

Possums are nocturnal, so they engage in a great deal of activity at night. This is when they feed, have territorial disputes, and mate.

When do New zealand possums sleep?

The nocturnal possum sleeps in the day up trees. This is actually the Australian brush tailed possum.

Which animal sleeps all day?

Koalas and sloths sleep most of the time, up to 20 hours a day. Armadillos, possums, hippos, and lions also sleep for many hours a day.

Thick furred marsupial?

Possums are the most common thick skinned marsupials on earth. Possums are also nocturnal animals by nature and tend to sleep hanging upside down.

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Sandhill cranes sleep and make nests in trees.

Are possums blind?

Possums are not blind.

What eats possums?

Possums are eaten by snakes.