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Q: Where do I go to get help with getting custody when my child lives out of state?
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When asking for a modification on child custody does that parent need to file in the county the child lives?

if you are refering to the child's home state/county, then the answer is yes. for example, you cannot move the child to another county, or state and petition that county court, or state court for custody rights.

Which state would the mother file for child support when the father lives in a different state?

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How do you change the state of venue for child custody case?

Easy. Just petition court for exactly that. A change of venue...its determined by where the child lives.

Can you remove a child from another state if you have joint custody?

No, you cannot move a child out of state if you have joint custody.

If you have joint custody can your teenager live with either parent?

The guidelines are basically the same in every state but obviously there are a few minor differences. Joint custody consists of Primary Custody & Secondary Custody. The parent with primary custody is who the child lives with & the other parent has secondary custody. Depending on the age of the child & the state in which they reside, the court may let them determine where they choose to live. Or if both parents agree on the child's decision then the child can live with either parent.

Both kids live with us i have custody of only one she will not give up custody of the other to avoid child support she lives in a different state can i get custody with out risking losing my child?

If the child lives with you for six months, you can register jurisdiction in your state, if it's not already there, than file for a change of custody due to long term possession. It's not likely she will be ordered to pay child support, only 7 out of 1000 mothers do. To learn what to do, check Dads House below.

Will you receive more child support with sole custody as opposed to joint custody?

You may since sole custody implies the child lives with that parent 100% of the time. With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines.

Can you take your child to a different state without getting permission?

Permission from the other parent. Yes if you are in leagule custody of the child at the time

How do i put my child's father on child support without him getting sole custody from another state?

How would he do that without being in possession?

If divorce was filed in West Virginia and one parent lives in Texas and has custody of child which state makes decisions on child's welfare?

Read the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). Most states have adopted it.

Can a grandmother be awarded custody of a child if the father lives out of state in new york?

It is highly unlikely that a grandmother would be given custody just because the father lives out of state. If there are other factors such as abuse by the father then, possibly, but not certainly. The court would look at the case carefully and decide what is best for the child

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