

Where do Orcas live?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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6y ago

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Killer Whales are found in all oceans and most seas, including (unusually for cetaceans) the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas. However, they prefer cooler temperate and polar regions. Although sometimes spotted in deep water, coastal areas are generally preferred to pelagic environments. The Killer Whale is particularly highly concentrated in the northeast Pacific Basin, where Canada curves into Alaska as well as the Johnstone Straight area and Washington state. They are making a bigger presence in California too. There are also large populations off the coast of Iceland and off the coast of northern Norway. They are regularly sighted in Argentina and the Antarctic waters right up to the ice pack and are believed to venture under the pack and survive breathing in air pockets like the beluga does. In the Arctic, however, the species is rarely seen in winter, as it does not approach the ice pack. It does visit these waters during summer a fun fact about these animals is that they are not whales they are dolphins

Orcas live practically anywhere. You can find them in polar regions, or in the Mediterranean. They tend to migrate over the same range, in pairs or in a pod (group or family).

Orca's are found in the worlds oceans. From the Arctic & Antarctica to the warm tropical seas. Although orca's are mainly seen in the cold waters they also live in warm waters such as: Hawaii, Australia, the Galápagos islands, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico. However very surprisingly they have also been seen in the fresh water rivers around the world too. Like the Rhine, the Thames, & Elbe.

In the ocean and they prefer the colder waters of the world. Some live off the coast of Washington state and British Columbia. They also like Antarctica.
in the water
Killer Whales generally live in the cold waters of the Northern Pacific & Atlantic Oceans. They can live in most oceans as well as seas.
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9y ago

Really they can live in any part of the ocean. They can migrate to the arctic and antarctic region to feed on animals like seals, penguins and even polar bears occasionally. Typically, they prefer anywhere else other than polar regions but can live in the polar areas.

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15y ago

Orca's live all over the world, in waters ranging from tropical to arctic, and both coastal and deep oceanic waters.

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