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Q: Where do Pandas rais their young?
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How do raise their young?

Insects don't rais their young. They lay eggs then leave

Are pandas oviparous?

Pandas give birth to live young. There are no eggs laid.Pandas are viviparous.

How are young pandas cared for?


How do giant pandas nurse their young?

pandas nurse there young like any-other mammal they use milk

How do pandas parent their young?

They parents young like people do.

Who cares for young pandas?

his/her mother...

When did Fishka Rais die?

Fishka Rais was born in South Africa.

Do leopards hurt pandas?

Adult pandas have no problem with leopards but snow leopards are known to kill young pandas.

Do red pandas lay eggs or gibe birth to live young?

Red Pandas are a Mammal therefore they Give birth to live young :)

How do pandas feed their young?

They feed them by collecting food from the wild and giving it to their young. Some pandas breast-feed their babies. Hope this helps!

How long do pandas feed their young?

Until the young can eat solids?