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So far, there really isn't any solid scientific proof of aliens, period. It is likely they exist somewhere out there but there is no reason to think they have come here. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and it might well be us.

So far as we know, aliens exist only in the human imagination. But according to some people, there are areas where you can find aliens:

1.Some aliens live in the crevices of the ocean

2.Some aliens live in the lost underground cities from the Biblical times.

3.Most aliens live in the galaxies that our technology has been able to reach and view.

4.Aliens could live anywhere. Most likely the Bermuda Triangle though...

So far, no shred of hard evidence supports any of this. The Bermuda Triangle being a made-up mystery, there is no reason to think aliens live there. In actual fact, you are no more likely to vanish there than anywhere else. If you were, the insurance companies would ban all travel through it. See Larry Kusche's book "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Solved" to see how this phony mystery was dreamed up.


Sense its proven that our milky way is 100,000 light years across and would take like 100,000-200,000 years to get out of.

Aliens must live in our galaxy, Maybe a dwarf planet, Or maybe some where hidden on earth or a different undiscovered plant.

One step = One big leap for man kind

Sooner or later NASA will know all.


Some like to think so, but no matter how big the universe is, that doesn't prove anything. Someone has to be the first. And they would look up at the universe and say "There must be loads of life there!". And they'd be wrong. It could be us.

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