

Where do calico cats live?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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Calico cats come from many generations of different breeds of cat, as Calico is a certain colour, not a type of cat.

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11y ago

out side or with a family all over the world

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14y ago

Im sorry 4 who ever wrote that immature comment. The Calico originated from Persia!

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How do calico cats live?

they live like any other cats live.

Where does calico cats live?

In your moms house

Are calico cats always house cats?

Calicos can live inside or outside. It depends if they were born inside or outside.

Do all Calico Cats have six toes?

No, not all calico cats have six toes

Where do calicoo cats live?

Generally in people's homes. Calico is a fur pattern, and a calico cat is simply a domestic shorthair cat with that fur pattern.

Are there such things as calico kittens?

Yes, calico cats start out their lives as calico kittens.

How long do calico cats live?

From what I understand calico cats are all female. There are no male calico cats.thats not completely true ..male calico cats are born very rarely about 1-3000 calico cat births..they are always sterile so they are not worth any money..Actually, a few male calico/tortoiseshell cats arefertile. They are more likely the result of mosaicism rather than an XXY chromosomal anomaly, which causes infertility. Whatever the cause, though, they still aren't particularly valuable, because neither a chromosomal anomaly or a developmental anomaly like mosaicism is a genetic trait that can be passed on to their offspring.

Calico cats are beautiful animals what is beautiful in this sentence?

Agreed that calico cats are beautiful animals and ... "beautiful" is an ADJECTIVE.

Are calico cats common?

No, they are not always inbreed they are like every other living cat. --- Calico cats are simply the result of a ginger or tortoiseshell cat and a black or tortoiseshell cat. The only similarities is that both cats must have some white.

What colors are muted calico cats when they born?

i know that calico are born in the summer

Is there a miniature calico cat?

No, there is no such thing as a miniature calico cat. Calico cats are not actually a breed, calico describes their color.

What is the percentage of how rare a male calico cat is?

There is no official data as to the percentage of black cats in the world. There are millions of black cats in every country.