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No, not all calico cats have six toes

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Q: Do all Calico Cats have six toes?
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Do burmese cats have six or more toes?

They can, yes, but it is not a breed standard. Some cats can have a genetic deformity that sometimes makes them have six or more toes.

Do some cats have six toes?

not too rare. I've have a cat and he had a total of 24 toes all together. i know many cats that have many extra toes.

My cat has 6 claws is that normal?

It is not uncommon for some cats to have extra toes on the front or back feet. It is said that a cat with these extra toes are good luck.

How many kittens can a calico cat have?

Cats can be so many different colors that it is hard to list. There are gray cats, black cats, white cats, brown cats, golden cats, cream-colored cats, rose-colored cats, and even blue cats! Then there are the cats that have mixtures, like the stripped tabby, the patched calico, or the torbie, a mixture of both. Different breeds of cats can have even stranger patterns. For example, the Siamese and Himalayan breeds tend to be a cream color with darker patches on their face, ears, paws, and tail.

How many toes does the three-toed sloth have?

Six toes, six fingers. A two-toed sloth has six toes, four fingers. It has three toes and three fingers

Why do calico cats have six toes?

Like the person above said, a cat with 6 toes means they have a recessive gene that makes it called a polydactyl cat. Its just a cat with more toe's than the average cat. Calico's are just different. You can ask the same thing for humans, 'Why do some humans only have 11 pairs of ribs?'. It's just the way they are. PS To the person above, how did u know that recessive gene thing? Ever thought of being a doctor or a vet? I want to be a vet. That would be so awesome...

Do bees have toes?

yes they do have toes indeed but they have two toes on their feet and they help them claw stuff and hold down other animals

How many toes do cats have on front foot?

Typically a cat will have five toes, four on the front of the foot and one up towards the heel. Each toe has a claw, but only the four at the front of the foot also have hairless "pads". The central pad on a cat's foot is not a toe but what would be the ball of a human's foot. Polydactyl cats--having six toes--became famous when Hemingway adopted one. Many "barn" cats are this type of cat.

A famous author with the fist letter a H?

Herman Hesse Ernest Hemingway, owner of the Hemingway breed of cats polydactls. They have six toes instead of five.

Did Queen Elizabeth 1 of England have six toes?

no, she had 7 toes. (:

Why six toes?

i guess it was ment to be

Is my six toed cat worth any money?

No, but polydactyl cats are often sought after. Hemingway was famous for owning them. The extra toes are caused by a genetic anomaly which affects cats of all types, including purebred cats. However, it is not a preferred trait for breeders. In general, they should not cost any more than a cat from the pound would cost, with spaying and shots.