

Where do golden originate from?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Where do golden originate from?
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According to Wikipedia they originated in The Hague, Holland in !961 as the Golden Earrings. The s was later abandoned. Originally called The Tornados by the very young group members,who had to change name as The Tornados were already in existence. The Golden Earring site on Wikipedia tells you as much as you will need to know. One of the original Teeny Bopper bands.

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Opiates originate from the Opium Poppy Papaver somniferumplant. The Poppy is originally from Asia (Iran/India). But currently Opium Poppies are grown in different regions to produce Narcotics (ex: morphine, thebaine, codeine, papaverine and noscapine,etc.) where as Morphine when sythesized makes (ex: Oxycodone, Hydromorphone and Diacetylmorphine bka "HEROIN"). The regions Opium Poppy is grown is the Golden Crescent (Iran,Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Golden Triangle (Burma, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam), Mexico and Colombia.