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Q: Where do reindeer live and what do they eat?
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Where do Santa's reindeer live when they are not working?

Santa's reindeer just went to eat or sleep outside when they are not working. So that means Santa's reindeet just stay where they are and sleep or eat or whatever.

What do reindeer eat to fly?

Reindeer don't fly and nothing they eat can make them do so

What Animal does a reindeer eat?

reindeer dont eat flowers they eat carrots

Do camels reindeer roadrunners or jackrabbits live in the desert?

All of them live in deserts except for reindeer. Reindeer are animals of the tundra.

Do reindeer eat hay?

No. They usually are vegetarians and eat things like moss buried in the snow, since they live in cold, tundra areas.

Do reindeer live in Greenland?

Yes, reindeer are the only species of deer that live in Greenland.

When did reindeer adapt?

well we dont know about cause all we know is that Reindeer are grazers,they eat grass. reindeer- Rangier Torridness. Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalian; Order Artiodactyla; Family Crevice; Genus Rangier, Species Rangier. Reindeer usually live to about 10 years in the wild. Reindeer babies are born live. Reindeers only have one baby at one time. Reindeer live in Northern Canada, Lapland, Alaska & Northern Russia. Reindeers change their eating habits with the seasons, in winter there isn't much vegetation but they will eat grasses and shrubs. Reindeer have very strong hearing and when they hear something coming they usually run away. Reindeer also have a very strong kick. Reindeer are brown in the summer and white and grey in the winter. A reindeer's top running speed is 40 miles per hour. In Lapland (Northern Finland).

Do reindeer live in the north pole?

No, reindeer do not live in the north pole. They do live in northern Russia, Canada, and Lapland.

What kind of foods do reindeer eat?

Their diet depends on the season:Summer: grass, sedges, green leaves of shrubs and new growth of larch, willow, and birchLate summer: mushroomsWinter: Reindeer eat lichens called reindeer moss, which is high in carbohydrates. Reindeer dig craters in the snow to find the moss.

Are reindeer hard to find?

Not if you live in Finland. If you don't live in Finland, then reindeer are probably pretty scarce.

What is a reindeer prey?

They don't have a 'prey'. Reindeer are herbivores, so they eat lichens.

Do reindeer eat celery?

yes raindeers eat bananas because bananas are not poisonous and are a fruit. Your Welcome for the Answer.