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There is no one place, the studies are done in places suitable to the nature of the investigation. Geology would be studied primarily in the field, followed by lab or desk research. Animal behaviour can be studied where the animals are - perhaps in the field, perhaps under more closely controlled conditions. Medical investigations would be carried out in association with a university, or a research hospital.

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Q: Where do scientists perform scientific investigations?
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What process do scientists use to perform scientific investigations?

study for it

Why do scientists conduct investigations?

Scientists conduct scientific investigations because they want to learn something. These scientists want to know how something works or progresses.

Why does a scientist repeat scientific investigations?

Scientists often repeat scientific investigations to verify that the results for a hypothesis or a group of hypotheses are correct. This can lead to a scientific theory.

How do scientists communicate the results of investigations?

Scientists communicate the results of investigations through scientific publications in journals, presentations at conferences, and sharing findings with colleagues. This allows for peer review, discussion, and collaboration within the scientific community.

Why do scientists conduct scientific investigation?

Scientists conduct scientific investigations because they want to learn something. These scientists want to know how something works or progresses.

When is a model useful in scientific investigations?

it help them better to understand what the scientists problem is

What does scientific integrity mean?

Scientific integrity means that scientists should not make up data, lie about their findings, or otherwise misrepresent scientific investigations.

Do scientists always follow one fixed scientific method during real-life investigations?


Why do scientists follow a set orders of steps when carrying out a scientific investigations?

To ensure reliable and repeatable observations and results

Why Do scientists follow a set order of steps when carrying out scientific investigations?

To ensure reliable and repeatable observations and results

Do scientists always follow one fixed scientific method during investigations?

There is only one scientific method, however, there is some flexibility in the way in which it is used.

Why the scientific method is important to scientists?

without it scientists wouldn't be able to perform experiments and thus, wouldn't learn anything.