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Q: Where do snakes live more grass or dirt?
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Would a tennis ball bounce higher on grass or dirt?

Grass of course! Grass is more solid than dirt.

Does a ball roll farther on grass or dirt?

My answer is dirt I'd say dirt because the dirt is more flat than the dirt.Also,the grass has the leaves poped out so the ball will be faster on dirt......

Does a ball roll farther on grass on dirt?

My answer is dirt I'd say dirt because the dirt is more flat than the dirt.Also,the grass has the leaves poped out so the ball will be faster on dirt......

Why does a ball farther on grass than dirt?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

Why does a ball roll farther on dirt than grass?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

Does a ball roll father on grass or dirt or carpet?

A ball can go further on grass than dirt because in dirt there are some rocks that can stop the ball.

Is the effect of grass or dirt surface on the distance a ball can roll?

Grass makes a ball roll slower then it would on a dirt surface. This is because the long grass blades cause more friction on the ball slowing it down.

Why does a ball roll farther ondirt than grass?

because grass has more friction for ball to roll than dirt.

What types of animals lives in grass habitat?

rabbits and snakes and grasshoppers also toma

Can corn snakes live in a dessert?

Desserts are usually far too hot and dry for Corn snakes to live comfortably. They prefer more temperate climates with more moisture.

Can snakes have live birth?

Some snakes give birth to live young , others lay eggs. In the U.S. sone examples of egg layers are the Racers, King snakes and Coral snake. Examples of live birthing snakes are: all the venomous snakes with the exception of the Coral snake, Water snakes, Garter snakes>

Do snakes live in the jungle?

The snakes that live in grasslands are usally Corn Snakes and Garden Snakes.But some times you can find diffrent types in certain areas of the grasslands.If you want more info Google it.Hope this was usefull :)BENJAMIN RHINES