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Q: Where do storage fats accumulate?
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Why does Trans fats accumulate in your body?

because we may not produce enzymes able to metabolize these molecules

What is energy storage nutrient?

That has to be the fat cells.

What provides long term energy storage for animals?

My Penis has a tumor......... help?

Why is fat a good storage product?

Fats makes you stronger.

What is the subcutaneous fat resistant to dieting?

CELLULITE Saturated fats and hydrogenated fats may be large contributors because they are both harder to break down in the system and have a tendency to accumulate

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What type of organic compound provides the best energy storage?

Carbohydrates function in short-term energy storage (such as sugar) and as intermediate-term energy storage (starch for plants and glycogen for animals). Fats and oils function in long-term energy storage. Fats yield 9.3 Kcal/gm, while carbohydrates yield 3.79 Kcal/gm. Fats thus store six times as much energy as glycogen.

What is used for insulation and storage of energy in the body?

no, proteins are not. the answer would be lipids (otherwise known as fats and oils)

How do saturated fats afffect the body?

accumulate in the liver, blood stream and cause clotting which can leads to heart attack, stroke and thrombosis.. it can also make you fat.

Are proteins used for long term storage in cells?

No. ATP is the shortest term energy storage, carbohydrates are short to medium term storage and fats are longest terms storage. Proteins are used almost exclusively for building structural elements or cell functionality.