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the sperm fertilises with the ovum releasing a carbon compound

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Q: Where do the consumers get the carbon compounds that they need for survival Need answer?
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Why organisms need carbon?

Its the only element that forms long chain compounds.

Why is carbon not considered an organic compound?

Carbon is an element - a building block of a compound! - but it is not a compound per se. Compounds need to have more than one element in definite ratios to be legitimate.

Do living things only need organic compounds?

I would say no because minerals like zinc, iron, and calcium are not organic compounds. They are elements. Organic compounds are strings of carbon atoms with H,O,S,N and halogens bonded to them. Im not a doctor or nutritionist, I dont know if you would die with out zinc or iron. But its in our foods and recomended.

Is water organic?

Water is not an organic compound. Ice is the solid phase of water. Water is an inorganic compound.Organic compounds were so named because they occurred in organisms (animals, plants and so on). For many years scientists thought they formed a distinct branch of chemistry, and that there was no connection between them and inorganic chemicals.Water does not need living organisms to form it. In any case, all organic compounds contain the element carbon, which water does not.Some examples of organic compounds are glucose and other sugars, starch, proteins, and fats.

Why most compound of carbon are covalent?

Carbon has four valence electrons in its outermost orbit which indicate it need four further electrons to complete its valence according to octect rule. It is also not possible for Carbon to remove all of its four valence electrons for the same cause of obeying octect rule. Hence the only option left for carbon is make covalent bonds with another carbon or any other element whose electrons are available for making a covalent bond. That's why most of the compounds of carbon are covalent.

Related questions

What do consumers need to to survive?

Consumers need producers to survive

Where do producers get the carbon dioxide they need to make food?

Producers get the carbon dioxide that they need to make food from the consumers. Consumers and producers swap the gasses that they need to survive.

Do all consumers need the sun's energy for survival?

Ir dependa

How do consumers get the carbon they need?

They obtain it in form of carbohydrates by eating animals

Which organisms are most immediately necessary for the survival of primary consumers?

Primary consumers eat only plants so that is their immediate need.

Why organisms need carbon?

Its the only element that forms long chain compounds.

Do all organic compounds need to contain carbon?

Yes. That is usually the case.

Why aren't humans producers?

Humans aren't producers indeed, they are consumers. They cannot synthesize the organic compounds they need to survive (unlike, for example, plants, that can synthesize their own organic compounds thanks to photosynthesis). Consumers don't have the ability to make organic compounds from inorganic compounds, so they rely, directly or indirectly, on the ability of producers to do that.

Which two compounds do plants need to take in from their environments?

I think it is carbon dioxide and water

What three elements do organic compounds contain?

Organic compounds need contain only one element, carbon. Please see the link.

What atom are organic compounds made of?

Any compound MUST be made up of atoms of more that one type - otherwise they are not compounds. The only common characteristic of organic compounds is that they contain atoms of carbon, but a lump of pure carbon need not be organic.

Which gas is important for your survival?

Oxygen is the most important for human survival, just as plants need carbon dioxide. Humans and plants have a symbiotic relationship in that regard.