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At subduction zones due to the occurrence of very large thrust faults.

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The most destructive volcanic eruptions typically occur along the edges of tectonic plates, known as convergent plate boundaries. These areas, such as the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean, are prone to explosive volcanic activity due to the collision and subduction of tectonic plates. Examples of destructive eruptions in these regions include Mount St. Helens in the United States and Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

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Q: Where do the most destructive volcanic eruptions occur?
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What are the volcanic eruption types in order from the least destructive to most destructive?

Hawaiian eruptions are the least severe. It is a 0 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index VEI scale.Strombolian eruptions are relatively mildly explosive 1-2 on the VEI scale.Vulcanian eruptions are 2-3 on the VEI scale.Peléan eruptions are 4-5 on the VEI scale.Plinian eruptions are the most destructive. They are from 6-8 on the VEI scale.

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The most violent volcanic eruptions typically feature the rapid expulsion of large amounts of magma and volcanic gases from the vent, resulting in devastating pyroclastic flows, ash clouds, and lahars. These eruptions are often associated with stratovolcanoes or calderas and can cause widespread destruction over a large area.

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When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

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Typically, Plinian eruptions are more destructive than Vulcanian eruptions. Plinian eruptions produce massive volcanic columns and pyroclastic flows, which can travel long distances and cause widespread devastation. In contrast, Vulcanian eruptions are characterized by short, explosive bursts of ash and gas, which are generally less powerful and have a more limited impact.

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Most common would be a fissure eruption of basaltic magma.

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The most destructive to least destructive kinds of eruptions are as follows:PlinianPeleanStrombolianHawaiianMost to leastPlinian, Pelean, Vulcanian, Fissure

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When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

Put these eruption types in order from most destructive to least destructive.?

When eruption types are arranged from most destructive to least, it is in descending order.

What is the country that has the most volcanic eruptions?

Java and Bali

Where do most volcanic eruptions occur?

Most volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire, a horseshoe-shaped zone in the Pacific Ocean where several tectonic plates meet. This region is known for its frequent seismic and volcanic activity due to the movement of these tectonic plates, which can result in the formation of volcanoes.

What country has the most volcanic eruptions per year?

Indonesia has the most volcanic eruptions per year, as it lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region prone to volcanic activity due to tectonic plate movements. Indonesia is home to numerous active volcanoes, making it a hotspot for volcanic eruptions.

What is the cause of most tsunami's?

Undersea earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.