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Q: Where do they dump the nuclear wastes in nuclear power plants?
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How much nuclear power is dumped in da ocean?

None, its power, you cant dump it.

How does nuclear waste affect the environment?

Harmful Effects of Nuclear Wastes:Nuclear wastes usually contain one or more highly radioactive substances. Radioactive nuclear wastes pollute the earth to a dangerous level of toxicity. If the nuclear wastes are exposed to underground water, the radiations get absorbed in water and then enter in living beings through food chains. Nuclear wastes emit harmful radiations. These harmful radiations affect the living beings. These harmful radiations damage our tissues, cells and rd blood corpuscles. The nuclear wastes radiations can cause the diseases like cancer, leukemia, etc. Radioactive waste also spreads through water that is used in nuclear reactors. This has a huge effect on the surrounding aquatic life. Waste products from nuclear power stations etc. are becoming a serious problem. Nuclear power plants do require huge amounts of water to cool their reactors. If this hot water is dump into rivers or oceans, thermal pollution may result. The heat can have a harmful effect on aquatic life. To protect the environment, the water must be cooled before it is released. Unfortunately, there is no way of stopping a radioactive nucleus from emitting radiation.

Where are hazardous wastes found?

at factories and at places where they dump trash

How does the sweeper of Bangladesh dump the wastes and garbages of houses?

He eats it

What are the economic disadvantages of nuclear power?

Disadvantages of Nuclear Power:· Nuclear Power generates radiation, which can be harmful or even fatal to infected people.· A nuclear meltdown can occur which will release massive amounts of radiation into the community.· Extremely radioactive nuclear waste is produced by nuclear power plants. This stuff can't be just thrown out. The US plans to move all its nuclear was to an underground dump by the year 2010. Currently it is stored in the plants.· Nuclear waste dumps can spontaneously combust without warning.· Nuclear reactors only last for about forty to fifty years, so where they are extremely productive, they break down and are costly to replace.· There are international dangers too. Some reactors produce plutonium which can be used to make nuclear weapons. If the whole world were to use these, they would have unlimited access to nuclear weapons.

Why do people dump toxic wastes?

because they DONT CARE DU

Do plankton dump their toxic waste?

All living organism produce wastes. Humans do as well. Plankton dump theirs into the water.

How does new companies pollute water?

They dump their toxins and other industrial wastes

Where will the prospective new nuclear power plant owned jointly by Duke Energy and Southern Company be situated?

The new nuclear power plant will be issued in the lower half of New Mexico. They plan to get great working people to power their huge facilities. They are also in a great place to dump the nuclear waste they create.

How do nuclear fuels relate to environmental issues?

Nuclear fuels is not only bad for us, but for the enviornment. Some nuclear plants dump nuclear waste in rivers, oceans, lakes and ponds. This can kill and injure living organisms including us. It is not even good to bury it in the ground. Nuclear waste has to be specially desposed.

Where is nuclear waste stored in Britain?

they dump it in the ocean

What makes fish that live by power plants die?

the power plants use the water to cool down and then dump the hot water back in the lakes so this drastic change in water temp kills the fish. that is how it was explaned to me