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Various species of kites live in different habitats. Many inhabit woodland areas, some are known to live in grasslands, and the snail kite lives in tropical and subtropical lowland swamps and marshes with very little vegetation.

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12y ago

Scientific name: Elanus leucurusFamily name: Accipitridae

Are they endangered? No, they are not endangered worldwide. (IUCN Red list: Least concern)

What are their past/present problems? These birds are affected by insecticides and pesticides that are used in their areas. These are sprayed on the land to get rid of insects and MICE. Their prey eats poisoned food and they get poisoned, too. Then the White-tailed Kites eat the poisoned prey. As they eat more of the prey, the poison builds up in their bodies. They either die or the females lay thin-shelled eggs that break before they hatch. This affects the amount of birds that are born.

What do they look like? These birds are nearly all white but have black 'shoulder' feathers. Sometimes their whole back is black. Their eyes are red ringed.How big are they? They are about 1 - 1 ½ foot long. If their wings were stretched out, they would be about a 3 ½ feet wide. How many eggs do they lay?Females lay from 3 to 6 white eggs once or twice a year. The eggs hatch in a month.How long do the fledglings stay in the nest? Their nests are made of sticks and are in trees. The young birds (fledglings) leave the nest in 5 weeks.When do they hunt? They hunt during the day. (diurnal)What do they eat? They like to eat mice, squirrels, little birds, frogs and bugs.Where do they live? They live in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America.What kind of place do they like to live in? White-tailed Kites like grasslands, marshes, and shrub lands.Interesting facts:The White Tail Kites will build their nests close to other White-tailed Kites.They are slow divers when they swoop down to get their prey.Some people call this bird a white hawk.

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