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the only locations of the blue bird that I know of so far are in this order, Gatamal atoll: at night time only, Wenddell sea: find it only during a Snowstorm, and North Canada: during the aurora only. Hope this is helpful.

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11y ago

Okay, so you find the blue bird at:

1. nineball island

3. Gatama atoll

2. Cerious (or however you spell it) Straight, the secret cove near the old village ruins

3. the weddel sea, when there is a snowstorm

4. everyone says it's a trick, but it's not! go to that canada place, only when there is the aurora. Go to the hole in the ice in b4. there should be a polar bear there

5. go to cortica midstream when raining. go to the left landing spot.

6. keep sleeping and look out of your telescope. when it says the moon is waxing, go to the zahhab region and sleep for 6-7 days. by then it should be a full moon. go to the coast, and to the very left, the blue bird will be there.

7. head back to nine ball island. it'll be on the dock.


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