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one time i went to the forest falls inside the store i look at the couch and i see a piece of map there

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Q: Where do you find the treasure map pieces?
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How do you find the treasure?

You go to close by islands and find pieces of a map then you clear the pirate ship and you get the last piece of the map.

Where do you find the treasure on skullduggery?

The treasure is on a secret island which is revealed after you find all pieces of the map, called Skullduggery. But I don't know how to get it yet.

Where do you find the treasure map on Resident Evil 5?

There is no treasure map that you can find in Resident Evil 5

Where is all of the 3rd treasure map pieces on scooby doo crystal cove online?

You have to do the quests/jobs for people around town that need help as a reward they might give you treasure map pieces or scooby snacks. You get map pieces based on the one you are working on. Say, I'm on the second map, I'll get a map piece for that one.

How do you get the treasure map pieces skullduggery?

look around and ask too people give clues to where the treasure map is. I beat it using no cheats. Take my advise it works.

Can you find the treasure before you have the map in Sims 2 castaway?

Hell no, u need all the map pieces in order to move one of a big boulder in the second island... is it east beach?

How do you put the Neopets map pieces on?

If you wish to put together any maps,such as the treasure map, secret lab map etc, have all pieces in your inventory and take them to the treasure maps section in the gamesroom. is the direct link or simply search 'treasure' in the search bar and that should take you there. yes person but how do you move the parts to the games room ( treasure maps )

Where are the map pieces in horrible historie game terrible treasure?

somewhere this was posted by yaseen caratela

What type of map is a treasure map?

A treasure map is a map that has a destination on it that you desire. These maps are mostly used by pirates to find treasure but are sometimes used on other occasions, such as if it were your birthday and a parent wrote a treasure map so you could find the presents (but of course, this is only if you're a kid, not if you're an adult, or it'd be weird). Hope I have been of assistance! :)

How do you dig up treasure on Sid Meir's pirates?

You simply find the treasure with the map and walk over to it. You can't access the treasure without the map even if you know where it may be.

How do you find the treasure on Skullduggery island?

Obtaining the treasure is the very last point of the game. When you have assembled the pieces of the treasure map, and defeated Captain Crawfish in battle, the Governor will give you the location card and the Bone Shovel to dig on the small hidden island. (see related question)

How do i find the buried treasure with the map on the sims 2 for the PC?

You have to 'dig for treasure'. What you do is click the ground (grass) and one of the options will say ' dig for treasure'. Click it and your sim will dig for treasure. Not all the time will you find a map. Sometimes it can be a bone, or something else.