

Where do you get photographic dry plates developed?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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If you are going to go to the trouble of using dry plates you might as well set up your own dark room as well. Professional camera shops may be able to help you out with finding a place that will do them for you but it is an old method and usually done by the same person who took the photo. Even in 1976 when I was using my grandfathers 8x10 and 4x5 cameras and cutting my own film from 11x14 stock, places were hard to find and I converted a bathroom in my parents house ( much to their chagrin ) into my darkroom. The chemicals were much easier to find than someone to do it and I pretty much wanted to do it all myself anyhow. If these are old undeveloped plates that you found and you want to find out what is on them again your local professional photo shop might point you toward some photographic artists or black and white enthusiasts in your area.

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