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Use your map its near the bottom of your map.

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Q: Where do you go Once you get your horse back how do you get to ordon?
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you have go back to ordon villgage and go to the little house by the little sraem and then dig inside it to get the sword

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When you go to leave the area, the Kakariko Elder will stop you, and tell you that the Elder of your own village, Ordon, is the only man who has ever been able to best the Gordon's in strength. He suggests that you go back to Ordon and talk to him.

How do you shoe your horse on howrsecom?

you go to the market and buy shoes once done that go back to your howrse and click on fit shoes, that should work. happy howrse. ----

What do you do when your horse wont stop backing up?

What I do is, when my horse backs up when i want her to stop or go forward I MAKE her back up about half way accross the arena. Everytime she starts to un-wantedly back up I make sure she does, but for how long and when I want her to. Once you have done this, your horse will willingly go forward!! :) Repeate this everytime your horse backs up on her own, and after a while she/he will relyse that everytime she wants to back up and does that your going to make her back up more than she wants to and she will quit! Good Luck

How can you get by a horse?

Touch it while you go around the back of it

Can you delete your horse club account?

no you can't afford a horse

Where do you horse back ride?

you can go horse back riding down a long dirt road. in ur back yard. down trails. basically anywhere

What can't the Icelandic horse do?

The answer for is never go back.

How do you brake a 3month old colt?

I am not sure about the correct age to start braking in a horse but I do know how to train them to be ridden. Start off introducing them to a halter as this will get them used to having a bridle on later. Then once they have gotten used to the halter, place a saddle blanket on their back as this will help them having things on the back. Then introduce them to a saddle. Place the saddle gently on their back and slowly tighten up the girth. Get the horse to walk with it on their back. Next is training the horse to trot, canter and gallop wearing tack. You can get special training whip from the horse shop (these whips don't touch the horse at all. You tap the ground behind the horse to get the horse to move). Tap the ground behind the horse to get them walking. Once you are happy with the horses walk, tap the whip on the ground and the horse should go faster into a trot. Then go into a canter then a gallop. REMEMBER to keep the horse a long lead so that you have some control. Once the horse has learnt all of this you can mount the horse slowly. When the horse is used to having you on their back, start teaching them the aids (turning when you pull the reins to a certain direction, halting when you pull back on the reins, responding to your legs etc.) REMEMBER to give you horse a good rest as it is very hard work and to reward the horse every time they do what you ask as this will help them be trained faster! This will also help make them become more reliable. Hope this helped!!!!

How do get pass the gorons in legend of Zelda twilight princess?

If you mean how to get through the first part, you have to try once (unsucessfully), go back, and you will have to get iron boots after saving your horse from some monsters.

Your horse drags his back feet and has square toes what can you do to stop it?

Go to the farrier and ask for special horse shoes.

Can you go horse back riding in Nashville TN?

Yes u can