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Notify federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement by phone or online.

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Q: Where do you report illegal immigrants and employers who hire them in Louisiana?
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How can you report illegal immigrants online?

if you are trying to report them you have to go to sheriff joe arpoioes website and they will give you that option i have done

How can you report someone with an expired student visa?

did they do something wrong? If not, don't report them. Besides, learn how to phrase a question. "Illegal immigrant expired visa" means there is such a thing as a visa for illegal immigrants. What I think you meant to ask was, how do you report an illegal immigrant who has an expired visa.

How do you deport illegal immigrants from new zealand?

Find out their full name and address and report it to Immg New Zealand.

How to report illegals to denver police?

If they are suspected illegal workers report them and the employer to you can report employers and they do act on it - can be done in minutes on the phone by calling - 1-866-DHS-2-ICE --report all suspicions of illegals - good work

How does INS deal with illegal immigrants?

The INS allows immigrants to attain forms to apply for citizenship, green cards, and visas. If the INS suspects the immigrant is illegal they will report this to the authorities. They also require many random screenings and have meetings with the applicants to ensure the systems success.

How do you turn in illegal immigrants in US?

You would contact your local branch of the US Justice Department. Your telephone book should have a section of US Offices.

Where can you report immigrants using someone elses documents?

I want to report immigrants using someone elses documents.

Do you have to report bankruptcies to future employers?

You do not have to report bankruptcies to future employers unless they require and pull your credit report. If they ask on your application form, you always have the right to refuse to answer.

Who do you report to when employers are not filling out I-9 forms?


You want to report for illegal immigrant but you do want to call?

I want to report for illegal immigrant but I do not want to call?

Is it criminal not reporting illegal immigrants?

No. There is no legal requirement that you report other people's criminal activity in this situation. The only time reporting crime is required is if you are a mandatory reporter and suspect child abuse.

Report illegal sale of prescription drugs?

You can report illegal sales of prescription drugs to your local law enforcement agency. How can one report to a doctor