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Africa somewere ........................................................

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The town of Moshi in Tanzania is one location, there may be others.

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Q: Where doe fair trade coffee come from in Africa?
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Where in Africa is fair trade coffee from?

From India

Where does fair trade coffee beans come from?


Where do fair trade mangos come from?

South Africa

Where does fair trade cotton come from?

all over africa!

What country does fair trade coffee come from?

Fair trade coffee comes from Uganda, Indonesia, Ethiopia and Columbia. Coffee is one of the ten types of fair-trade products and in 2003; £34m worth of coffee was sold. The first Fairtrade coffee in the United Kingdom was called Campaign Coffee and the second one Encafe.

What countries does fairtrade support?

Fair trade is popular in the United Kingdom. It is also used in Latin America and United States. Coffee is a large fair trade commodity.

Where does fair trade dairy milk chocolate come from?

it comes from ghana or africa

Is Starbucks Coffee fair trade?

most of the coffee's are but some times there not.

Is Maxwell House Coffee fair trade?


What brands of coffee are fair trade?

Very few. Starbucks sells fair trade coffee beans for you to take home and use. 

Has fair trade helped any one?

That is a highly debatable question in the book "how fair trade is fair trade coffee" it explains that although certifyed fair trade promots its self to offer a fair value, it is still extreamly low compared to the selling price in the United States (this concerns coffee)

Where do fair trade pineapples come from?

fair trade pineapples come from ghana