

Where does DNA replication form?

Updated: 3/25/2020
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6y ago

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DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of the cell - just before the cell divides.

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Q: Where does DNA replication form?
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What are the areas on DNA where replication occurs called?

DNA replication begins in areas of DNA molecules are called origins of replication.

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The topoisomerase enzyme uncoils the double helical structure of DNA during its replication to form the replication fork. In eukaryotes both posive and negative supercoils get unbind by topoisomerase I & II respectively.Topoisomerase isomerase unwinds DNA to form replication fork

What form of DNA is used in replication?

B form DNA is replicated in living organisms.

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DNA polymerase are enzymes that form bonds between nucleotides during replication.

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role of ssb protein in dna replication is when the double stranded dna is brought in the single stranded form during replication the ssb bind to the single stranded dna so that the ss dna remain in the the single stranded form and when replication process is completed these protein get dissociated from the dna

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What is the process by which a DNA molecule is copied called?

dna replication. can be summarised as the two helical strands of dna unravelling through the action of enzymes and the corresponding nitrogenous bases of each being matched up (A-T, C-G) to form two identical strands

Inhibitors of DNA replication?

Inhibitors of DNA replication are bacteria or toxins that inhibit the replication of DNA. E-Coli is an example of an inhibitor of DNA replication.

When replication copy DNA it copy DNA in the form of what?

When replication occurrs in the cell the dna strand experiences an unwinding which creates forks growing bi-directional from the source, these become new strands of dna.

Where does DNA form?

DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of the cell - just before the cell divides.

If you compare the original DNA to the two copies that are made after replication occurs what would you find?

Unless mutation occur the two copies of DNA that are made after replication are identical to its original form. Thus continuous replication of DNA in the chromosomes does not alter its nature.