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Judy Moody and Stink Moody live in Virginia, USA. They reside in a town called Virginia Dare.

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Q: Where does Judy moody and stink moody live?
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Where does Judy Moody live?

judy lives in Virginia with his brother James also known as stink there is also a series about stink they are making a movie about judy moody called judy moodys NOT bummer summer. posted by metguy7

Where does Judy moody?

judy lives in Virginia with his brother James also known as stink there is also a series about stink they are making a movie about judy moody called judy moodys NOT bummer summer. posted by metguy7

What are the main characters names in Judy Moody Gets Famous?

The main character in "Judy Moody Gets Famous" is Judy Moody. Some other key characters in the book are Judy's little brother Stink, her friends Rocky and Frank Pearl, and her teacher Mr. Todd.

What was the problem in the book Judy moody and stink and the holly joliday?

In the book "Judy Moody and Stink and the Holly Joliday," the problem revolves around Judy and Stink trying to find the perfect gift for their family to celebrate the holidays, while also dealing with a case of the hiccups that threatens to ruin the festive season.

Where does Judy Moody live in the book?

Judy Moody lives in a suburban neighborhood called Virginia Dare Terrace in the Judy Moody book series.

Does judy solve the problem in judy moody predicts the future?

Yes, Judy Moody does ultimately solve the problem in the book "Judy Moody Predicts the Future." Through her experiences and adventures, she learns valuable lessons and finds a way to resolve the challenges she faces.

Where does judy moody live in Virginia?


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what does stink moody like to do

Is there an AR quiz on the book Stink?

There might be an AR quiz for the book "Stink" depending on the edition of the book and whether it is included in the Accelerated Reader program's database. To check if an AR quiz is available for "Stink," you can search the book's title in the AR BookFinder website.

What color hair and eyes does stink moody have?

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What is Judy Moody's main problem in Judy Moody goes to college?

In "Judy Moody Goes to College," Judy's main problem is trying to balance her schoolwork with helping her brother Stink with his project and navigating a new friendship with a college-aged girl named Opal. She also struggles with feelings of jealousy and insecurity when she thinks Opal is more interesting and accomplished than her.

What is the dare in Judy moody and the not bummer summer?

In "Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer," Judy Moody's dare is to complete a series of thrilling dares throughout the summer vacation, with her brother Stink and friend Rocky. The dares include activities like riding on roller coasters and exploring haunted houses.