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Nowhere, there is no such thing as a "King Kobra."

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its used as a plug in on pro tools

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Q: Where Are The Most King Cobras Able To Live?
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What is the distribution of king cobras?

King cobras are most commonly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. They can also, rarely, be found in the southern parts of China. King cobras prefer dense forests close to water.

Do cobras hibernate?

It is warm year around in most places where cobras live. Beacuse of this cobras do not hibernate.

Where do cobras live in Africa?

Mostly in Kenya or Egypt are where the most deadliest snakes are, including the cobra

What is something that the king cobras makes for it's young that other snakes don't?

king cobras make nests for there young and most other dnakes dont or cant.

How many king cobras left in the wild?

there are about 748 king cobras in the world that are left. King Cobra's eat other snakes and are also canabilistic which is why the female will desert her nest shortly before the baby cobras hatch

Why do king cobras lay eggs?

So they can have baby King Cobras. Cobras are reptiles and most reptiles lay eggs, those that don't normally live in colder climates where eggs laid on or under the ground would not get warm enough to incubate. In this case the eggs are kept inside the reptiles body to keep warm and the babies are born straight from the mother.

Where is king cobra shelter?

The king cobra is America's longest, most venomous snake. They are a known symbol for snake charmers. They take shelter in snake burrows and mounds.

Do King Cobras have a mom and dad?

Yes, like most animals in this world the king cobra has a mom and a dad.

When does king cobra strike the most?

King Cobras strike mostly when they feel intimidated or scared they will even strike if you get to close to them.

What layer of the rainforest does a king cobra live in?

King cobras live mainly in the rain forests and plains of India, southern China, and Southeast Asia. They live in trees, on land, and in the water. They are the only snakes that build nests for their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings leave. The nests are simply piles of leaves in most cases, but occasionally the female will dig a small hole under the leaves to deposit her eggs.

what are some adaptation for a king cobra?

King cobras adapt to their environment in many ways. These cobras can move quickly through the trees, land, and water. They have patterned hoods that can confuse enemies. King cobras have poisonous venom and sharp fangs that can take down their prey. They also can use most tree matter like leaves to make their nests on the ground.

Who is the king cobras biggest nemesis?

The king cobra's only notable predator is the mongoose, which can hunt king cobras due to its immunity to the cobras neurotoxin. However, the king cobra's defense tactic of extending its hood, standing, and hissing a low hiss is usually successful in intimidating an attacking mongoose into leaving it alone, coupled with the fact that most of the mongoose's other prey is much easier to kill than a cobra.