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Q: Where does colored chalk come from?
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What is a word that goes before chalk?

colored chalk sidewalk chalk dustless chalk

Would white chalk or or colored chalk be an independent or dependent variable?

Any, the answer depends on what the experiment is about.

Why doesn't colored chalk dissolve in lemon juice?


Where was chalk discovered?

Where did the term chalk come from? from turkey

Which would come first chalk or chalkboard in alphabetical order?

chalk would come first

What is the name of a marking tool used in sewing for dark colored fabrics?

The marking tool used for dark colored fabrics is tailor's chalk.

Does cue chalk come out of clothes?

Cue chalk will wash out with water, however, the dye in the chalk may have to be treated as a stain (depends upon the chalk).

What is chalk-pencil?

I haven't really heard this term before, but I think probably the closest thing would be something like Prismacolor's NuPastel. They are pastels that are almost like a cross between pastels,colored pencils and chalk. They come in hard sticks and are not surrounded by wood like a pencil.

What does fullers earth look like?

It looks rather like buff colored powdered chalk.

What kind of chalk do pet snails need?

they need white chalk or any kind of regular chalk not like 3 d or colored chalk

How do you dye you hair with chalk?

First break off a piece of chalk about an inch long and soak the chalk fully submerged under water for 5-10 mins. Then you take the peice of hair you wAnt colored and then just rub the chalk on your hair until you are satisfied with the color.

Does hair chalk go off?

All hair chalk should come out with your fist wash