

Where does magma originate?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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13y ago

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Magma originates from within the earth's interior; in the crust or mantle.

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Q: Where does magma originate?
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Where does granite and basalt come from?

Both originate as molten magma but in the case of granite the magma is acidic and in the case of basalt the magma is basic.

Where do mafic and felsic magma originate?

Felsic is a term that means that a rock contains types of silica. Fesic magma is magma that is high in silica particles and low in iron particles.

Where does most magma originate?

Most melts on earth originate from plate boundaries. These are areas where there is decompression melting or hydrous melting because of subduction zones.

What are large rising bodies of magma not at plate boundaries called?

A large rising body of magma is called a magma plume they originate from the mantle. Plate boundaries are found at the edge of the lithospheric plates and are of three types, convergent, divergent and conservative.

What are convection current and how are they formed?

Convection currents in the earth originate in the mantle. The liquid moves in a circle pattern as the hotter magma rises and the cooler magma falls. This can also be observed in any fluid material, gases or liquids.

Are volcanoes the same as volcanic rock?

No...Volcanoes are openings in a planet's surface which allows for the flow of magma...volcanic rocks are simply rocks that originate from a volcano (igneous rocks)

What magma is silica-rich thick magma?

An acid magma or a granitic magma.

Into which layer of the earth does the magma chamber extend to?

Magma is generated within Earth's mantle, the thick layer between Earth's crust and outer core. Rock found deep within the crust is extremely hot, soft, and pliable, but rock does not become liquid until much deeper in the upper mantle. Pockets, or chambers of magma, can originate at various depths within the earth. The composition of the magma varies and indicates the source materials and depth from which they originated. Silicondioxide (SiO2) is the predominant ingredient.

Does every volcano form in the mantle?

No, the Earth's mantle is to deep and warm for this. Magmas are generated in the upper mantle by a process called partial melting and the melt collects in the crust (in magma chambers at varying depth).

What rocks originate from the surface of the earth?

Sedimentary rocks form on the Earth's crust, and can form metamorphic rocks when buried. Igneous rocks form under the surface, or when liquid magma reaches the surface as lava.

What is the name for molten rock when its under the ground?

Molten rock under the surface is called "magma". When magma reaches the surface it is called "lava".