

Where does one go to check their email at Google?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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People can check their Google email, also known as Gmail, by going onto Google. Email can be accessed from any page by clicking the "Gmail" button at the top of every page.

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Go to a free email source and sign up on their site-if you don't have at least one now, get one from a freind-usually you have to have at least 1 valid email to sign up, then go to google, yahoo or outlook and get one.

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Some email platforms such as Google Mail will allow you to import mail from other programs. Go to Settings, Forwarding and POP Mail and you can import your other mail programs mail that way.

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There are many ways to access USC email when on the go. It would be best to check it online on the phone. There are also ways to set it up so email comes straight to your phone.